Thursday, April 29, 2010

Creating a Blog

I've had this for quite some time, but I've never actually utilized it before.  I will probably have daily or weekly updates about what is happening with my goals.  Maybe information on my characters and how much they are upsetting me.  Having a bunch of strangers running around inside your head would make some people call you crazy - other's "creative."  Is it simply because I know the difference from myself and the "voices" in my head?  I know they aren't real.

But sometimes, I talk about them like they are very real characters.  "He's really angry because so and so pushed him into a corner and..."  And ...  And he's not real, get over it - right?  Wrong, I can't.  Like most unpublished or unfinished authors, we are plagued with that one voice.  That voice inside our head that isn't ours.  It simple states, "Write my story - the world has a right to know my story."  And you think -- I don't have anything important to say!  But, your character does, and that's all that matters, right?

Something like that.  So this is going to be my struggle, to keep my characters out of my real life, no matter how much I am jealous of them or live vicariously through them, they are characters.  Not my friends, not my reality, but they are a part of my creativity, my imagination.  And honestly, it's about time that they finally come out on paper and stay where they belong - in one book, one small journey, and hopefully one that will have a bigger impact than just making my mother proud.

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